16 Foods That Naturally Detoxify Your Body

When most people think of detoxifying, they usually picture themselves drinking tea and fasting for a period.

No, deprivation is not the topic of discussion here.

We are discussing foods that the body naturally detoxifies!

If you’re planning on starting a detox soon or doing a daily detox, ensure these foods are being consumed early and often.

The body is shielded from toxins, free radicals, and other dangerous substances that prevent it from functioning at its best by a good, healthy dietary detox.

An immediate benefit of consuming these foods is an increase in energy and mental clarity.

See how you feel after including these foods in your diet that aid in detoxification.

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1. Water

Water is one of the best detoxifying foods
Water is, very simply, one of the world's most underappreciated and underutilized dietary resources.

Even though it's not strictly speaking a food, it deserved to be ranked first on this list because without it, the foods that are listed below are basically meaningless.

Increase the number of glasses per day to 8–10 starting at 5–6. It's a good idea to download a water tracker on your phone because it's usual for people to get disoriented during the day. Water alert is the best app for this.

If getting in the water is difficult for you, try some of our detox waters. You can even throw them in a little to-go BPA FREE fruit infused water bottle!

2. Ginger

The highly effective anti-inflammatory substances found in ginger are termed gingerols.

Those who have arthritis or are simply looking for foods that fight cancer should definitely try them.

It also helps support liver function and provides much-needed support to the immunological system.

Adding ginger to warm water or tea is the most efficient way to get it into the body. While you can also chew on ginger roots, it is more effective to drink ginger, because higher quantities can be consumed that have a better chance of reaching and flushing out the liver.

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3. Collard Greens

The bile acid-binding properties of collard greens help to decrease cholesterol levels in the body, making them an excellent detox food.

Compared to kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, collard greens have been demonstrated to have an even stronger binding impact.

Steaming collard greens enhances their bile acid binds, thus that's the optimum method. To enhance enzyme activation, add a little salt and lemon juice on top after 5 minutes of steaming.

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruit to detoxify the body
Grapefruits are a potent detox food because of their high fiber and nutrient-rich juice.

When it comes to antioxidants, grapefruit juice comes out on top.

Grapefruit has the highest total antioxidant content, even when measured against pomegranates, apples, oranges, and cranberries.

The secret is to choose richly colored grapefruit (bright red or pink). This suggests that lycopene, another vitamin, and carotenoid concentrations are higher.

5. Lemons

It makes sense that lemons attract a lot of attention.

Some detoxes even focus just on consuming raw honey that has been organically unpasteurized and lemon juice.

Lemons are well known for their capacity to balance acidity, aid in weight loss, cleanse the body, enhance immune system function, and improve skin tone.

Lemon water is always a great solution when detoxing for its various health benefits, but don’t limit them to this. Their skin can be peeled and used as a tasty garnish, or you can simply squeeze the juice over your meals.

6. Artichokes

Since the liver serves as our body's general food filter, the majority of the detoxification process takes place there.

Because they stimulate the liver's production of bile, artichokes are an excellent detox food.

Foods are broken down by the bile, which also facilitates the body's more effective absorption of nutrients.

Boiling or pressure cooking artichokes is the finest method for preparing them. They taste fantastic with a healthy dipping sauce or a sprinkle of salt.

7. Dandelions

Dandelions for detoxification
Dandelions are an excellent diet for the body to detoxify, despite their unfavorable reputation in the lawn care industry.

Like artichokes, they purify the system by stimulating the liver's production of bile.

There are many different methods to eat dandelion root. Taste-wise, adding them to soups or stir-fries is an excellent idea because of their inherent bitterness. . You can also turn them into a powerful herbal detox tea!

If you don’t have any natural dandelions around but want to give them a try, go for an organic dandelion root tea.

8. Seaweed

Most people will have only consumed seaweed from eating sushi, but it’s a good idea to get more into the diet when detoxing.

Seaweed is rich in antioxidants, but it also contains iodine, a rare mineral that is commonly lacking in the world.

Having a healthy thyroid depends heavily on having adequate iodine levels. Among the symptoms of thyroid deficits are fatigue, elevated cholesterol, and muscle weakness.

Additionally delicious and reasonably priced, organic seaweed is a perfect snack to have on the go.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli has strong detoxifying phytonutrients in addition to its well-known cholesterol-lowering properties. A unique mixture of three glucosinolate phytonutrients is present in broccoli: glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin, and glucobrassicin.

These three can help with the activation, neutralization, and removal of undesirable pollutants, as well as all other stages of the body's detoxification process.

It’s best when lightly steamed or eaten raw in a salad. Just be careful when ordering at a restaurant, because they tend to cook it with butter or cheese to enhance the taste. Ask for none of the extras and all of the goodness.  A little light salt is all you need.

10. Green Tea

Green Tea Leaves are detoxifying and can help you lose weight

When detoxing the body, make sure to throw in some organic green tea.

It has been demonstrated to speed up metabolism and has a high antioxidant content. When on a severe diet, the body gradually lowers its metabolic rate to make up for the smaller serving sizes.

Have a daily cup of organic green tea to stop this from happening.

Drink it warm or cold, just make sure to avoid adding sugar. If the flavor bothers you, add in a little bit of unpasteurized raw honey or peppermint tea to improve the taste.

11. Lemongrass

This is another herb making it into this list that many people have not tried.

Lemongrass is known for its ability to cleanse the kidneys, bladder, and digestive tract.

It cleans the uric acid from the body through increasing the frequency and quantity of urination.

It is most often used as a tea in the world of detoxifying and can be combined with a variety of items for flavoring. Drink it on a regular basis (every 2-3 days) to help the body get rid of harmful elements.

12. Beets

Betalain is a type of phytonutrient that can only be found in beets.

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying help have all been demonstrated by these nutrients.

Their unique capacity to eliminate toxins is derived from their digestive process, which neutralizes and solubilizes poisons, causing them to be eliminated by urination.

Often found on a delicious greek salad, beets can be eaten as a side dish or blended into a green smoothie. Just make sure not to cook them for more than 15 minutes, because the betalain nutrients are rapidly diminished by heat.

13. Basil

Basil to detoxify the body
Basil has active chemicals called terpenoids that are designed to protect the liver in addition to its many antibacterial qualities that aid in the battle against illness.

It has antibacterial properties that protect against bacteria, yeast, fungi, and mold while also promoting the health of the kidneys.

It’s available at any grocery store and can be cut up and used as pesto, in a detox tea, made into an infused oil, used on appetizers, in soups, on salads, pizza, and for a variety of other uses.

14. Garlic

Although garlic is not commonly associated with detoxification, it does offer a notable enhancement to the immune system and supports the liver.

It adds a lot of benefits to this list and is a wonderful source of antioxidants.

Getting a variety of nutrients from different sources is the key to a successful detox program, and garlic provides rare nutrients not found elsewhere.

For extra taste, add it to the normally uninteresting foods consumed during a detox program. As little heat as possible (5 to 10 minutes) should be applied to garlic because any more will cause some of its nutritional benefits to be lost.

15. Watercress

Watercress helps release enzymes to clean out the body and get rid of toxic buildup.

It also provides cancer-fighting phytochemicals such as glucosinolates that have been shown to counter breast, lung, colorectal, head and neck, and prostate cancers.

It's not a standard diet food, but it's still a fantastic and healthful option to consider for cleansing.

Preparing watercress is easy. After trimming and giving them a quick wash, you can add the stems to any salad, sandwich, stir-fry, green smoothie, or inventive creation you can come up with.

16. Turmeric

Tumeric is a great detoxifying food
Not to mention, turmeric is widely recognized for helping the body's digestive system.

It has also been demonstrated to help prevent colon cancer and treat cystic fibrosis and inflammatory bowel disease.

It aids in the body's detoxification of xenobiotics, which are frequently located in the liver. It goes without saying that it is a potent and useful addition to the list of foods that aid in detoxification.

Though it's typically used in tea, turmeric may be added to a lot of foods, including egg salad. Because of its deep hue, it stains easily, so handle it carefully.

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