20-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch For Beginners
This morning yoga stretch will give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning…
Ready to start your day with a quick yoga routine that will wake you up gently, but also provide a little workout buzz?
There's nowhere else to look. 🙂You can do this yoga routine at any time in the morning. It consists of ten different yoga poses.
It will infuse you with the morning yoga energy that propels you toward a productive and joyful day.
Who is the workout for?
- Complete beginners to yoga
- People seeking more energy or a boost
- People looking to knock out a quick workout in the morning
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1. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Matsyendrasana)
Try to twist your leg a little bit more in the opposite way as you release the breath. Instead of taking the bind and holding the left hand, you might alternatively maintain support with your right hand out to the side.
This is a great pose that can aid in digestion.
Hold for 30 seconds.
2. Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)
Scoop up your right foot with your left arm. Beginners should aim to only extend their reach as much as they can. You don't have to be able to touch your feet. To extend the stretch farther, extend the right arm toward the left knee.
Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on both sides.
3. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
Put your hands on the ground or as close to it as you
can after lowering yourself all the way. If needed, bend
your legs until you can maintain a straight posture.
Clap your hands behind your back to lengthen your arms
and shoulders. As you lower your arms even more, arch
your back.
Breathe deeply in and out of this stretch for 30 seconds.
4. Upward Facing Dog (Urdhvamukhasvanasana)
Starting with your arms just above your hips and the tops of your feet on the floor, lie facedown on the floor. Pull your chest outward and raise your knees, thighs, and hips off the floor using your arms and core strength. Aim directly forward or slightly up.
This is a great pose to relieve lower back pain.
Hold for up to 30 seconds and release.
5. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
To increase the stretch, lower yourself into your right knee while maintaining a straight left leg. Your right thigh and knee should be parallel to the floor and at a 90-degree angle, respectively.
With your head pointed straight ahead or slightly up, raise your arms above your head. As you extend your fingertips higher, feel your pelvis, ribs, and spine lengthen.
Hold for 30 seconds. Perform on both sides.
6. Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)
Keeping your left arm straight, exhale as you extend your right hand to your right ankle or the floor. Lift your eyes and look up at the ceiling.
You can adjust this position so that you reach to your right shin or knee instead of the floor if you lack the flexibility to do so.
For 30 seconds, hold. Execute both sides.
If you are feeling lost about where to get started with your yoga practice, our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners is a great place to start. The beginner modifications and workout plan will get you started and going in the right direction in no time. Check out the bottom of this article for more information.
7. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Both your back and your hip flexors should feel stretched.
Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on both sides.
8. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Be sure to maintain a hip-distance between your legs and knees. To further open your chest, lean into your pelvis and arch your back even further.
Hold for thirty seconds, or shorter if you don't think it will put too much strain on your back.
9. Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)
Stack your hands palms together at the center. Your left elbow should slowly come to rest on the outside of your right knee. Try to softly tilt upward into the twist while keeping your gaze aloft. You can open up your collarbone and chest by doing this.
After 30 seconds of holding, switch to the other side.
10. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
After 30 seconds of holding this position, move into the one-legged downward-facing dog (below).
11. One-Legged Downward Facing Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
You will bring this stretch into the back to a greater extent the higher you can lift the leg (beyond the straight line from the torso).
After 30 seconds of holding, switch to the downward-facing dog pose (see below) or repeat on the opposite side.
12. Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog (Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Begin in One-Legged Downward Facing Dog (above).
Bend the right knee back behind you at a 90-degree angle. You should feel the stretch in your hips and side body. Try to keep your shoulders in line with your hands as much as possible.
Hold for 30 seconds. Perform on both sides.
Remember that for this workout, you will hold each pose for 30 seconds before moving onto the next pose. After all 12 poses have been completed, rest for 1 minute.
Then repeat the workout again, making sure to switch sides on the poses that work different sides of the body. Rest for an additional minute, and complete the poses for the third time.
Feel free to stay in any of the yoga stretches for longer than 30 seconds if it feels good on your body or you think you need it.
If you liked these morning yoga stretches and are feeling a little lost about how to start a regular yoga practice, check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners!
It also comes with a complete flexibility guide, including beginner modifications, designed to help increase your flexibility and soothe any aches and pains from stiff muscles!
It’s a great solution for those looking to lose weight, get more flexible, and relieve aches and pains with a calm yoga practice.
It has detailed instructions and beginner modifications for your practice + a 6-Week Workout Plan any beginner can start with!
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Perhaps this will make me a better morning person 🙂