7 Powerful Strategies to Quickly Remove Cellulite
Sadly, cellulite is a fairly prevalent issue that affects women. You wouldn't anticipate it, even in ladies. Cellulite affects both young and old, thin and overweight, and can occasionally seem almost random.
Don’t worry though. Cellulite is fixable in 99% of cases.
While genetics and other factors come into play, there is no woman who cannot get rid of it. With the right program and plan, cellulite is reversible.
What is it exactly?
Cellulite is a medical disorder characterized by wrinkled, dimpled skin practically everywhere on the body.It can occur to slimmer women as well.
As well as women who are overweight…
It doesn’t discriminate based on weight. A staggering 80% of women are effected by this condition at some point in their lives.
What causes it?
To truly understand how to fix something, one has to first understand what causes it. Cellulite is caused by: Lack of blood flow to the effected region
Quite simply put. Reduced circulation leads to a drop in the skin's collagen levels and an increase in fat cells.With the skin getting thinner and less elastic, the fat cells start to "push" their way to the top. Cellulite develops when the fat cells are huge enough and the skin has weakened enough.
This is the main reason for the blood flow obstruction:
- inadequate water intake
- sedentary kind of life
- lower estrogen levels in older women
In actuality, cellulite was not even a significant societal concern in the 1970s and 1980s. Cellulite did not become a serious issue until individuals began working more desk jobs and spent less time on their feet.
Thus, these are the things that need to be targeted in the search for a cellulite cure.
A Brief Point About Going to the Gym and Doing Weights…
Weightlifting isn't actually necessary, but it can assist with cellulite. Even simple movement helps. It's okay for individuals who wish to work out to get rid of cellulite; just remember that it's not necessary.
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1. Move.
Get to your feet. Stand up. Set off exploring the area. Get your body moving. Choose a pastime or occupation that NEEDS A LOT of movement.The more you move around and get out of that chair, the better your blood flow will be and the faster the cellulite will disappear.
A simple rule of thumb is to not spend more than 1 hour sitting without getting up.
2. Dry brushing WORKS.
This makes sense because the area being brushed has an instantaneous and direct increase in blood flow with dry brushing.
Take a dry brush and slowly rub the affected area in a circular motion. Do this 1 time per day for around 5 minutes. Any more is unnecessary and can be damaging to the skin.
3. Get a coconut oil massage.
Put your partner or spouse to work on your physique.Allowing them to be a little harsh with the body is crucial in this situation. The deeper the massage, not that you should be in agony, the more beneficial effects it will have.
Increasing skin circulation is the goal. Additionally, using coconut oil will improve skin hydration and speed up the healing process.
At least 10 minutes for optimal results!
4. Hydration is KEY.
Hydration and circulation go hand in hand. Increasing the amount of water in your system will boost the metabolism, enhance blood flow, and improve the condition of your skin.Though most individuals are aware of how important it is to drink enough water, most also find it difficult to maintain their intake. The following suggestions will be useful:
Use a half gallon jug of water. Purchase
a half
gallon jug and fill it with
water as soon as you wake up each morning. You will, in
fact, turn into "that person" at work, but that's okay.
When it comes to health, it's usually a good thing to be
that person.
Fruit-infused water bottles work. Hate the taste of water? Get a fruit-infused water bottle to mix things up. This way, water doesn’t have to be boring and can be fun and tasty!
Drink a warm glass of lemon water immediately
upon waking every morning.
Every morning, have a warm glass of lemon water as soon
as you wake up. Developing the health
habit of drinking the recommended amount of water
is crucial. Warm lemon water in the mornings is by far
one of the healthiest habits that is also the easiest to
maintain and has a MASSIVE influence on health.
Use the rubber band technique. Wrap a rubber band around your water bottle every time you fill it up. Try to get in 100 ounces per day!
5. Eliminate sugar.
Sugar is one of the primary food villains that causes cellulite. It causes:
- Fat accumulation
- Inflammation
- Premature skin aging and reduced elasticity
These 3 things are some of the primary factors involved in cellulite production. If you need a sweet tooth fix, try gum or fruits instead!
6. Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids.
are among the few nutrients that have been repeatedly
shown to improve blood flow and circulation in the body
through double-blind trials. Furthermore, it's not by a
tiny margin. At times, the rise can range from 30 to 50
Consume a lot of fish, such as halibut and salmon, to acquire natural omega-3 fatty acids. A second tier solution would be to include flaxseed oil and walnuts into the diet for omega-3s.
Finally, if neither of those work for you, supplementation is key. Get a high-quality omega-3 fish oil, and supplement on the days you’re not getting in omega 3’s naturally into the diet.
7. Avoid wasting money on "cellulite pills," lotions, and potions.
That product doesn't work at all to get rid of cellulite. All of those products are a total waste of money because they cannot address the underlying cause of cellulite, which is a lack of blood flow.The only prudent method to invest in cellulite treatment is...
8. Sign up for an excellent program to stop fat from accumulating in the first place.
A healthy diet and solid, healthy eating habits will go the longest way towards preventing cellulite and keeping it off forever.
This is exactly what our program, the 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge, is all about.
People lose an average of 10-40 pounds in 40 days and absolutely love it! But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.
We have over 1,000 people in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!
If you are ready to make some changes in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start. We will teach you exactly how to make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”
Click here to start YOUR 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge today to see how real people are getting real results in just 3 short weeks!
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