15 Best Foods for Weight Loss and Happy Taste Buds
The foods we've compiled are rich in nutrients that support a healthy body and will increase the efficiency of burning calories.
Foods heavy in sugar and carbohydrates might cause hunger as soon as an hour or two after consumption. Conversely, there are foods that increase your feelings of fullness and satisfaction.
It is true that you can have delicious and weight-loss-promoting foods! These 15 meals will make your taste buds happy and your body even happier if you use them to lose weight.
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1. Almonds
It’s true that almonds have a lot of fat in them, but they are healthy fats that can help you lose weight AND lower cholesterol. (1)
They are also a great source of protein and fiber, which together will keep you feeling satisfied for longer. Almonds in a handful create a great snack because it’s going to fill you up and help you eat less at mealtime.
Click here for You can find some yummy almond recipes here.
2. Avocados
When it comes to good fats, monounsaturated oleic acid, which is also present in olive oil, is specific to avocados. Your body uses these lipids as fuel and helps reduce insulin resistance. (2)
Who knew you could eat fat to burn fat?
Because they increase the amount of nutrients in other foods, they're also fantastic when eaten with other vegetables. (3) Next time you have a salad, throw a few avocado slices on top for an extra vitamin boost.
3. Beans and Lentils
Because they keep you full, fiber and protein are a dieter's best friend. Because they require longer time to digest than other foods, your body is misled into believing you have consumed more food than you have.Although beans and lentils are high in nutrients, some people have trouble digesting them, which contributes to their terrible reputation as a food that causes gas and tummy bloating.They’ve got antinutrients like tannins and phytic acid that might make you toot more than just your own horn.
Soak beans before you cook them, and you’ll be fine. Try this black bean taco recipe for a delicious low-fat meal.
4. Chia Seeds
These small seeds are incredibly powerful in terms of nutrients. A teaspoon of them has 4 grams of fiber, more than twice the amount of a serving of cooked broccoli!
Chia seeds also have omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and many other healthy nutrients, but they also have the superpower of being able to absorb 11 times their body weight in liquid. This makes them turn into a gel-like substance in your belly, which helps you feel more satiated after you eat. (4)
They can be sprinkled over anything. Toss them into a salad, smoothie, or combine a spoonful with your oatmeal and almond milk in the morning.
If you love chocolate pudding but not the calories, try a delicious chia seed pudding.
5. Dark Chocolate
You did really hear correctly. If you choose the
correct kind of dark
chocolate, it can indeed aid with weight loss.
Made from the seeds of the cocoa tree, it contains 11
grams of fiber per 100 grams, 67% of your daily iron
needs, 58% of your recommended daily intake of
magnesium, and a host of other vitamins and minerals.
Use it in moderation, though, and steer clear of dark chocolate that has added sugar. It’s got saturated fat in it and stimulants like caffeine and theobromine.
Look for the bars that have at least 70% cacao.
6. Whole Eggs
It's likely that you've heard that whole eggs are heavy in fat and cholesterol and should be avoided. In fact, it has been demonstrated that they don't affect cholesterol levels or cause heart issues.. (5)
According to a study, eating an egg for breakfast can help you lose weight since they make you feel full and reduce your appetite.(6)
Try a muffin tin veggie-filled quiche for breakfast. They freeze well, so you can make a bunch ahead of time!
7. Grapefruit
You will lose weight if you consume half of a grapefruit around 30 minutes before you have a meal. Just by including it in their diet, obese participants in a research dropped an average of 3 ½ pounds over a 12-week period. (7)
Additionally, grapefruits lower insulin resistance, which is beneficial for weight loss efforts. Diabetes and a host of other health problems that can impact your weight can be brought on by insulin resistance.
Make sure to eat the flesh of the grapefruit and not just drink the juice. The fiber also helps you shed pounds. If eating a grapefruit plain doesn’t sound enticing, try adding it to a salad.
8. Greek Yogurt
Everybody possesses a hormone called leptin, which controls your stomach. It should be able to inform you when you're full and when you're hungry.Leptin signals the body to eat when you haven't eaten, so you do, and vice versa. Inflammation, particularly in the stomach, can cause this system to malfunction and lead to leptin resistance, which can result in obesity. (8)
Greek yogurt helps fight gut inflammation with probiotics that balance gut flora in a delicious way. (9)
Mix plain Greek yogurt into a smoothie or throw some granola on top. Make sure to look for a brand that has 7g of sugar or less (with no added sugar – stay away from the flavored kinds!).
9. Leafy Greens
You must consume the recommended amount of fiber each day if you want to reduce weight or stay healthy in general. Kids, it's not just for the elderly.You can lose weight by eating leafy greens such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, romaine, and arugula. These vegetables also provide you with a good amount of fiber, water, and nutrients. The issue is that some people only juice leafy greens since they don't like the taste of them.
Green juices are great, but you lose the fiber when you take out the pulp. Try this fiber-packed high protein power paleo bowl for a scrumptious way to get your greens.
10. Lean Proteins
Protein from meat has a bad rap in the diet industry, but the truth is that unprocessed lean beef, chicken, and fish are really supportive of weight loss.
Without a doubt, the most satisfying and full nutrient is protein. It even surpasses fiber. It has been demonstrated that increasing protein by 25% will reduce cravings by 60% and result in a pound of weight loss every week. (10)
The key is that the amount of fat in your proteins should be balanced out by the amount of carbs you eat. Low-carb diets can handle meat with more fat in it, while high carb dieters should only eat lean meats.
11. Lemons
It's interesting that while lemons are highly acidic on the exterior, they quickly become one of the foods that forms the most alkaline forming foods when consumed in edible form or as lemon juice. They eliminate intestinal parasites, cleanse your liver and intestines, and bring your body's pH back into harmony.
They also have pectin fiber which helps with hunger cravings and making the body feel fuller.
Try squeezing a few lemons into 8 ounces of fresh water and drink daily!
12. Pumpkin
For millennia, people have been using pumpkin to help control their bowel movements. Despite having a sweet taste, it is a natural fat burner with high fiber and protein content and minimal sugar.You may find it difficult to decide which pumpkin recipe to try first because there are so many available!Check out these amazing recipes to get you started.
13. Quinoa
The grain that will save the gluten intolerant is quinoa. It has seven grams of protein, which you can be sure will help you feel satisfied, and it has fewer calories than other grains.
It’s a great substitute for rice or pasta, and you can even make pasta noodles out of it for a healthier, gluten-free option to wheat.
It also has a low glycemic index so it’s safe for diabetics to eat. Perhaps the best part about quinoa is that it’s one of the few complete vegetable proteins!
14. Soups
Have you noticed that most foods that are good for you, like vegetables and fruits, have a high- water content? That’s because they are low energy density foods, which means they have fewer calories so you can eat more of them.
A weird thing that happens when you add water to solid foods, is that you feel fuller when you add water to food instead of eating it without. Studies show that eating your food in soup form is going to make you feel more satisfied and help you with weight loss. (11)
Try out these recipes that include all the best foods for weight loss.
15. Sweet Potato
It's sweet and it's a potato. What could be wrong with that?Try sweet potatoes if you're a huge potato lover but don't like the associated carbohydrates. They are less dense than white potatoes while having a few fewer grams of carbohydrates due to their higher water content.
They’ve also got twice the fiber as a regular potato, which is good for the gut and supports weight loss.
Need a PLAN to put these foods together?
Our 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge has an entire list of approved foods as well as a plan for what to eat every day that you are on the diet!
The carbohydrate detox in the plan will help you reset your hormones, become more insulin sensitive, and prime your body for fast weight loss
Our clients lose an average of 30-40 pounds in just 40 days, but even better than that is the long-term healthy eating habits that they build to help them sustain weight loss in the long-term.
Click here to start YOUR 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge today!
If you enjoyed this article on foods for weight loss or have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below!
Thank you for the information. I seriously need to start eating these rather than junk.