8 All-Natural Methods to  Suppress Your Appetite (Without Pills)

Instead of being a horrible starvation diet, losing weight should be a healthy and freeing process.

Additionally, we don't mean to starve yourself or in any other way deceive your body into starvation when we discuss appetite suppressants in this post.

We're talking about eating meals that make us feel more satisfied and trying to steer clear of boredom eating.

The worst thing about this is that we frequently don't actually feel hungry.

We're disinterested.

Our appetites are aroused.

Additionally, our ability to simply say no is limited. to resist taking that chocolate piece out of the freezer.

Nothing in this article is a magic pill for curing hunger. That doesn’t exist (unless you want a weight loss pill, which is an entirely different thing).

To avoid the unhealthy eating habits, however, incorporating more of the tips into your daily routine WILL help you develop the habit of fighting hunger.
The following are scientifically proven methods that anyone can use to naturally reduce appetite and encourage healthy, natural weight loss.

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1. Eat protein at every meal.

eat protein to lose weight

The absolute best first step that you should take in this process is to eat more protein during mealtimes.

This is the best way to feel more satiated during and after your meals and is why it’s a core component of our 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge.

High protein meals have been shown conclusively to decrease appetite after meals and have even been shown to help people naturally reduce their calories by 441 per meal(1, 2)

Every meal should contain a lean source of protein. Here are some great sources:

Incorporate more protein into EVERY meal.

2. Drink coffee (decaf works too).

suppress appetite with coffee

This is my personal favorite and go-to for staving off hunger in the mornings.

I pair coffee in the morning with intermittent fasting to eat less in the morning and avoid a big breakfast on my stomach first thing in the morning.

I’m actually pretty sensitive to caffeine too, so I opt for half-caffeinated or even decaf as it gets later in the day.

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And strangely enough, it’s decaffeinated coffee that has been shown to reduce hunger and actually beats regular coffee and caffeine as an appetite suppressant(3, 4).

Coffee already has some incredible health benefits, including antioxidants, increased focus, and so much more.

BUT… remember to always try to drink your coffee black or with very few additives. If black isn’t your thing, a very small amount of milk or cream is acceptable.

But make sure to avoid sugar at all costs and absolutely no processed coffee drinks. We’re talking about the home-brew kind here!

3. Sip some peppermint tea.

green tea

This is another one of my personal favorites that I use to get me through the afternoons and evenings — especially the after-dinner sugar cravings!

Just the scent of peppermint tea has been shown to greatly reduce cravings, and people who drink it generally consume 1,800 calories fewer than normal (5).

Try to reach for this instead of the after-dinner chocolate or throughout the day whenever the hunger starts to set in.

Also, try to go for organic peppermint tea when possible.

P.S. Peppermint tea also helps with headaches, bloating, and colds or the flu, so if you’re feeling any of this, grab a warm cup! (6).

4. Drink more water.

glass of water
Yes, I am aware of this. This one appears to be quite clear.

But I mean business. Most likely, you don't drink enough water. The majority of folks don't.

This one is undoubtedly ingrained.

I am aware that I have periods of heavy drinking, and that when I travel or experience other disruptions to my pattern, I relapse.
The problem with drinking more water is that we frequently confuse thirst with hunger.

Although it sounds silly, it's true. If you don't believe me, look it up on Google.

Go drink a full glass of water after that, and let me know if you're still hungry.

Try to challenge yourself to drink 100 ounces of water per day — spread throughout the day (so you don’t spend the morning in the bathroom).

For further reading, check out our article on drinking water to lose weight.

If you’re not a big fan of water, try adding some lemon, lime, other fruit, or opt for sparkling (not as good because it contains sodium).

5. Add apple cider vinegar to your water.

apple cider vinegar health benefits

This is another one of my favorites to drink in the afternoon to fight those 2-3 pm snack (boredom) cravings.

Try adding one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water that is ten ounces or larger.

You may want to play around with the measurements because it has a strong flavor.

Although it may take some getting used to, I can assure you that it is quite helpful in overcoming cravings.

In addition to its inherent hunger suppressant properties, apple cider vinegar aids in the body's detoxification process.
  It can be a very effective weight loss tool when used properly.

It is made by crushing apples, squeezing out their juices, and fermenting the sugars into alcohol, which is then fermented into vinegar.

Make sure you find the kind with the “mother” in it, like this one, because it contains healthy proteins and enzymes.

Only the raw, unfiltered brands provide maximum health benefits.

If you absolutely can’t stand the taste of it, you can get it in a pill version, but it won’t help as much with suppressing the appetite specifically.

6. Up your spice game.

peppers are a great food to suppress appetite
I'm from the South, and we love our spicy food, so this is a bonus for me!

I personally don't want my food to be really spicy, but I do enjoy most savory dishes to have a hint of Cajun spice.

Consuming hot peppers and other spicy foods has been demonstrated to speed up metabolism and reduce appetite. (10, 11).
Add additional peppers to the pan to begin cooking (added bonus: they also add fiber!). or maybe just a dash of salt.

Try using cayenne or Cajun seasoning, but make sure the blended seasonings don't contain too much sodium.

Additives like Sriracha sauce work well, but be careful to read the contents label to avoid adding unnecessary sodium or sugar.

7. Eat more whole foods.

Apples can help suppress hunger

This is similar to adding more protein to your food. If you also pair it with whole foods filled with fiber that help you digest that protein…

You have the perfect combination for satiation.

The more satiating a food is, the less likely the stomach will become hungry after eating (6, 7).

Whole foods will fill you up without filling up your waistline. 

Check out these foods ranked on their fullness factor that will leave you full without overloading on calories.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes

And pretty much every other fruit or vegetable.

Just be careful with some fruit as it can be high in sugar (even though it’s natural) and can still hinder weight loss in larger quantities: oranges, grapefruit, berries, etc.

8. Avoid sugar and processed foods.

kid cereal contains harmful sugars to long-term health

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.

Eating empty calories will only leave you hungrier and craving MORE after you finish eating.

Sugary and processed foods are what wreak havoc on your system, cause insulin resistance, and absolutely sabotage your weight loss efforts.

I understand that it’s not feasible or realistic to ask you to cut out these types of foods completely.

I get it. I eat sugar too.

But I do try to minimize it and I try not to make it part of my daily habits.

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Some sneaky “healthy” processed foods that are still not great for you:

  • Cereal
  • Oats (try whole oats rather than quick oats)
  • Granola bars (I don’t care how healthy they claim to be)
  • Most dairy products
  • Bread (even whole wheat) and pasta

Good rule of thumb: Try to avoid anything in packages as much as possible.

Need some help building better food habits and getting your diet on track?

A lot of the principles discussed in this article come from our popular weight loss program — The 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge.

Our clients lose an average of 30-40 pounds in 40 days and some have even lost over 100 pounds with the program.

But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.

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We have over 1,000 people in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!

If you are ready to make some changes in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start.  We will teach you exactly how to make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”

Click here to start YOUR 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge today!

Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article on natural appetite suppressants for healthy weight loss or have any questions!


  1. I’ve tried the cayenne thing, but I just can’t stand it! It’s way too spicy for me. Do you have any other suggestions?

    1. Randy, I totally understand! It’s powerful stuff. Try cinnamon, instead! It’s not quite as effective as cayenne, but cinnamon also has a whole host of health benefits as well. So it’s really great to have in your diet as well! 🙂