The Healthiest Cooking Oils for Weight Loss and How to Use Them

The Healthiest Cooking Oils for Weight Loss and How to Use Them

If you’ve ever gone to the grocery store in search of a healthy cooking oil, the array of choices can be totally overwhelming. The last time I went to Whole Foods, I counted at least twenty different options! There are oils made from walnuts, sesame seeds, grape seeds, soy, peanuts, coconuts…the list goes on. And…

How Your Metabolic ID Body Type Affects Weight Loss

How Your Metabolic ID Body Type Affects Weight Loss

We all have that one friend that can eat anything they want and never gain weight. They can chow down on pastries, have multiple margaritas, get seconds (or even thirds!) at the buffet, and then still look amazing in their bikini come swimsuit season. And then there are people like me (and maybe you, too),…

How Carrie Changed Her Life and Lost 98 Pounds in just 13 Months!

How Carrie Changed Her Life and Lost 98 Pounds in just 13 Months!

If you struggle with your weight, I’m willing to bet you have a sweet tooth. Most people do. I can’t help myself from feeling resentful when I hear that one friend tell me “I don’t really like sweets.” Eye roll… But if sweets aren’t really your thing, my next guess would be you really like…

Why Weight Loss May Stall After the Second Week of Dieting – The Truth

Why Weight Loss May Stall After the Second Week of Dieting – The Truth

When you start a new diet, that first big drop in weight is pretty exciting! You might even lose as much as ten pounds or so in your first week to ten days. (Party dance!) You’re celebrating, weighing yourself at least once a day, telling everyone you know about this great diet you found…and then…

Blast Belly Fat with An Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout
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Blast Belly Fat with An Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout

When people come to us, their primary goal is to lose weight quickly. In this post, we’ll explore an intermittent fasting morning workout that blasts belly fat to help you meet your weight loss goals that much faster.  But before we dive in, you might be asking yourself – what is intermittent fasting? Simply put,…

How Many Calories for Weight Loss? (The Most Accurate TDEE Calculator)

How Many Calories for Weight Loss? (The Most Accurate TDEE Calculator)

Having the most accurate TDEE calculator in your bag of weight loss tricks could be the key to losing those last few stubborn pounds. But what is a TDEE calculator and how can it actually help you kick the extra weight?  A TDEE calculator measures your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. What this means is it…

How to Lose 20 Pounds Easily

How to Lose 20 Pounds Easily

Lots of people ask us how to lose 20 pounds easily — whether it’s for your cousin’s wedding or an upcoming high school reunion… Maybe you just want to kickstart your weight loss goals. After all, losing 20 pounds easily can be the momentum you are looking for to commit to a healthier lifestyle. Whatever…