10 Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Day

Choosing which yoga positions to practice daily might be challenging because there are so many to choose from. Remain calm. We have everything covered!

And when we say every day, you don’t HAVE to do a full-blown, intensive yoga workout every day.

What we mean is simply doing some simple yoga stretches to wake up your body and your mind.

This could be as simple as stretching a few times in the morning to start your day with greater awareness or as simple as stretching in the evening after work to unwind and relax.

Either way, these poses have a little something for every part of your body.

Mastering each posture requires effort, commitment, and strength, so even a few minutes of practice every day will help you grow.

Whether you're a novice or an experienced yogi, we've compiled a list of ten yoga positions for your daily routine that may be as mild or as challenging as you choose.

Check them out below:

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1. Bridge Pose

This pain-relieving stretch can help people of all ability levels feel deeply rejuvenated. Modifications include neck support and pelvic support using a yoga block or bolster.

Stretch your chest, neck, and spine to relax your brain and relieve stress. A modified bridge, when used with a partner, may also assist ease menopausal symptoms.

Other benefits of the bridge pose include stimulation of the abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid and improving digestion (1).

2. Downward Facing Dog:

A fundamental pose in every yoga practice is downward facing dog. Although difficult, it offers benefits for pain reduction and a deep stretch to help you prepare for the day.

It could take some time to master the downward dog, but improving your alignment and posture will assist. It's crucial to pay attention to your body's sensation in this position in order to prevent harm.

Not only will this move work out back discomfort, but it also serves to stretch your hamstrings. As you practice, you’ll improve your position to achieve the perfect Downward Dog.

Learn more about Downward Dog and relieving back pain here.

3. Mountain Pose

Before advancing to more difficult postures, you must learn Mountain Pose, also known as Tadasana. Even though it can seem easy, maintaining proper form will help you with other techniques.

You may maximize the benefits of mountain pose by maintaining your posture with your weight evenly distributed and by using your core muscles. Remember to breathe, and maintain your shoulders in line with your pelvis.

This pose can help you improve your posture plus increase awareness, as you breathe and embrace the serenity of the moment. See more about the Mountain Pose here.

4. Child’s Pose

Balasana, also known as Child's Pose, extends your thighs, hips, lower back, knees, and ankles. Since it's a resting posture, it will aid in your relaxation in between poses.

Additionally improving blood flow to the head, this resting position may help lessen headaches. Deep breathing and settling into the pose help you to stay rooted and relaxed throughout your whole body.

This pose is great for reducing tension and stress throughout your entire body. Learn more here.

5. Chair Pose

The Chair Pose will strengthen your thigh muscles, foot, and ankle mobility. Take five to ten deep breaths at a time while in the pose.

Although it doesn't seem like a difficult pose to accomplish quickly, maintaining the right alignment is crucial if you want the muscle toning advantages. It doesn't take up much room and is quick to practice.

Need more help? See an overview of the four steps to mastering the Chair Pose here.

6. Tree Pose

You may learn and maintain appropriate form for the Tree Pose with the aid of Yoga Journal's 360-degree view. This exercise combines a one-legged stretch with core strength and balance.

Holding the pose for 30 seconds to one minute stretches your groin and inner thighs, chest, and shoulders. It also improves your balance while strengthening a range of leg muscles.

Maintaining form and preventing your resting foot from slipping off your thigh are difficult tasks in this position. Try balancing against a wall for support if you're feeling unsteady.

Learn more about the Tree Pose here.

7. Savasana

It looks easy, but this meditative pose is a conscious relaxation exercise. Also termed the “corpse” pose, Savasana (also Shavasana) requires focus and intentional breathing.

Upon completion of your yoga practice, this pose promotes a sense of grounding and relaxation. At first, it may seem absurd, but after you give the workout your whole attention, you'll see why we advise doing it every day.

Intentional dedication to the practice and purifying breaths are necessary for a successful Savasana. Find out more about Savasana relaxing techniques.

8. Locust Pose

Salbhasana, also known as locust pose, is a backbend that eases tension in the muscles and treats back discomfort. Elevate your arms and legs so they are parallel to the floor while lying on your stomach on the ground.

The exercise is now more accessible to all skill levels thanks to modifications. If you're experiencing problems letting go of your neck muscles, you can either look forward or downward.

You can also add a towel between your hips and your yoga mat for cushioning for sensitive hips. Try to hold the pose for a few breaths, but don’t feel bad if it takes a few tries!

Learn more about the Locust Pose here.

9. Legs Up the Wall

Viparita Karani is another term for this gentle inversion that promotes energy renewal. All skill levels can do it, and it provides the benefits of inversion without the complexity of headstands.

While it’s not a challenging physical pose, this legs up exercise reduces stress and can help with tired leg muscles or edema in the legs or feet. Hold the pose for a minute or two, or aim for longer.

Ideally, you’ll hold the pose for ten or 15 minutes, but you can work up to that length of time if it’s challenging at first. Read more about Viparita Karani here.

10. Warrior

Because it promotes flexibility, warrior posture is energizing for both beginners and experts and should be a regular part of your program. Although this is the basic stance, there are variations that get more and more intricate.

Like its namesake the warrior, this position calls for courage, strength, focus, and confidence.

Read more about all the versions of the Warrior Pose here.

Some of the fundamental positions that serve as the basis for more difficult yoga asanas are included in these movements. Like other yoga poses, each asana may be made beginner-friendly with adjustments so you can enjoy the full benefits of each pose.

Once you've mastered them, you should have no trouble developing a rewarding practice.

If you’d like a full yoga workout program designed to get you flexible and even lose some weight, make sure to check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners.

Avocadu Yoga Fat Loss Bible

It comes with everything you need to get started, including a 50-fat burning yoga poses with photos and instructions, a 6-week workout plan, meditation guide, flexibility guide, and more!

Get started losing weight with yoga today!

If you enjoyed this article on the top 10 yoga poses you should do every day, please leave a comment or any questions below!


  1. wow great list and many of the poses are do-able! Any form of exercise benefits the skin, it addds a different radiance altogether, eliminating all the toxins is what works for the skin, thanks for brief info here,cheers

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