10 Killer Workouts That Burn More Fat Than Running

Do you run on the sidewalk in an attempt to lose weight or get rid of the excessive jiggling in your thighs? Are you working extremely hard but getting little in return?

Running is beneficial to your lungs and heart. It can help you manage stress and be meditative.According to Shape Magazine,Running, though, might not be as helpful as you think if your goal is weight loss.

Many individuals believe that doing aerobic exercise is the best way to reduce weight. Lifting weights should be your main goal if you want to gain muscle.
This Women’s Health article explains why that’s a myth.

Focusing on only cardio will help you lose fat. It will also burn some muscle. Coach Jeff on Running Connect says that many runners don’t fuel up properly before or after a run. Therefore, they may be taking in more calories than they’re expending, leading to weight gain.

Also, overtraining can lead you to develop strong cravings for sugar and salt, according to Dr. Axe. The short, but intense, workouts below can help you burn more fat without burning out.

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1. At-Home Cardio Workout with No Equipment

The FitnessBlender crew is responsible for this workout, and we adore them!

Their YouTube channel is stocked with videos of various fat-burning exercises. Our favorite among them is their 10-minute abs workout!

The workout rotates between cardio and strength-training, which makes it a great full-body workout!

See the workout here.

2. 30-Min Fat Burning Cardio Workout

If you're looking for a change of pace from standard cardio and full-body workouts that involve a lot of cardio, squats, etc., this workout by Good Health 24/7 is a terrific one.

It features fantastic music and a lot of dance-oriented flicks! When you're feeling particularly energetic or want to increase your metabolism, give it a try.See the workout here.

3. Ultimate Fat Burn Workout

To target problem areas, Blogilates' 7-minute workout alternates between big and little pulses. You get continual encouragement and reminders from the instructor to keep your form correct.

Compared to if you performed the exercises alone, you might be more driven to increase your efficiency and burn more fat after receiving this reinforcement.

In addition, the images are stunning. Filmed on a hilltop with a view of Los Angeles is the workout.

See the workout here.

4. Bad-Ass S-Hiit – HiitCombat #3

If you enjoy working out in a boot camp manner, this BodyRock TV segment will motivate you. Lisa Marie, a demanding, no-excuses personal trainer, will guide you through exercises in real time.

Plyometrics, or leaping exercises, boxing, and weightlifting are all combined in this program. It moves at a very quick pace. Despite the workout's short 8 minutes, you should be panting heavily in a matter of seconds.

The motions are also distinct. You have to use your main muscle groups simultaneously for them. In order to keep your balance, they also need you to use your core, which increases the toning power of your workout.

See the workout here.

5. Metabolism-Boosting HIIT Workout

Try this 20-minute workout by Christine Salus if you're looking for something a little bit longer. The teacher says it speeds up your metabolism in addition to burning fat.

It's difficult. This should not demoralize you. Consider it a challenge that will motivate you to continue.

Set an objective to help you get better if you can't do all of the exercises at first. As you gain strength, you can concentrate on correcting form or increasing the number of repetitions within each interval.

See the workout here.

6. Victoria’s Secret Model Workout: 10-Minute Fast-Blasting Circuit

Andrea Orbeck, Heidi Klum's trainer, demonstrates how to burn fat fast with a brief workout. It involves resistance training, ballet postures, and a warm-up.

This workout requires no equipment at all. The level of difficulty in some of the workouts can surprise you, even though you're not using weights.

See the workout here.

7. Barre-Free Full-Length 30-Minute Cardio Ballet Workout

Exercising should be fun.Cardio ballet is used in this workout to help you build muscle and burn fat. You will experience the grace of a dancer while following this workout regimen.

For these exercises, you don't need any equipment. You don't even need to put on your shoes, in actuality. If all you want to do is hit play on the video and get moving, this is an excellent choice.

There isn't much jumping involved either. Because of this, if you're traveling and staying at a hotel or reside on an upper floor of an apartment complex, this is the perfect order to follow.

See the workout here.

8. Natalie Portman Workout

Natalie Portman used these exercises as part of her training for the film "Black Swan." Some of the movements are similar to yoga or Pilates poses.

The background music has a calming effect. The exercise only lasts for ten minutes.

When the end of the day approaches and you find that you haven't had time to work out, this is a terrific method to add in a little more fat burning.

Even while you're sitting around doing nothing, these resistance exercises will help you gain muscle.

See the workout here.

9. Yoga for Weight Loss – 40 Minute Fat-Burning Yoga Workout

Yoga isn't just meant to be calming. There are positions in this workout that will help you improve your core. Additionally, it aids with gastrointestinal stimulation.

You might be able to lose weight more quickly if your meal can be properly processed in your stomach.

You can become more aware of your body and breath by practicing yoga. It may aid in lowering stress hormone levels, which may contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Even if you are a novice, you can complete this video. You don't need to watch the screen while you move because the instructor breaks down each technique. If an exercise seems too hard, she even explains how to modify it.

See the workout here.

10. Burst Training On The Treadmill

This regimen promises to burn the most fat in the shortest amount of time if running is your only option. According to Dr. Axe, it burns three to nine times as much fat as conventional running.

You have to sprint as fast as you can for ten seconds. When you step off the treadmill, place your feet on the sides to get the most out of the impact between sprints. Don't fall off, please!

To challenge yourself even further, you can experiment with the speed and incline. While you run, keep your form correct and pump your arms.

See the workout here.

Before we part, if you are looking for a program with an aggressive diet to help you shed weight FAST (that doesn’t actually require working out!), make sure to check out our 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge.

40 day fat loss challenge

It’s a high protein, low carb diet plan that helps our clients lose 30-40 pounds in just 40 days. We have over 2,000 members in our private community group for the program.

Click here to get started with your 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge today!

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