10 Candida Overgrowth Symptoms + 3 Steps to Naturally Cure It!
Candida can cause all sorts of problems in the body, and the worst part is that most people don’t even know they have it.
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What is candida?
In the oral and digestive system, candida is one kind of fungus that is a kind of yeast. It facilitates digestion and the absorption of nutrients.When candida is overproduced, issues arise. A yeast infection can result from a disruption in the normal equilibrium of candida within the body, which can happen when the immune system is weakened.
Numerous things could be the cause of this.
Overdosing on antibiotics can lead to the death of beneficial bacteria in the body. Overindulgence in fermented foods, sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates are other prominent causes of candida overgrowth.
The overgrowth of candida can wreak havoc in the body and can result in a variety of health problems.
What are Candida Overgrowth Symptoms?
The symptoms below will help you determine if you have candida, and then we will get into how to cure it!
1. Oral Thrush
We'll begin
with one of the most prevalent and straightforward signs
of candida overgrowth. Oral thrush, according to the
Mayo Clinic, is a disorder when the fungus Candida
albicans grows on the oral mucosa.
Oral thrush symptoms include:
- White coating on the tongue, cheeks, and tonsils
- White, raised lesions on the tongue or around the mouth
- Bad breath
- Redness or soreness in the mouth
- Loss of taste
- Bleeding or cracking in the mouth
If you have one or more of these symptoms, you likely have candida.
2. Fungal Infections of the Skin and Nails
Candida can lead to fungal infections in the toenails, athlete's foot, and vaginal yeast infections. You may have candida if these infections recur frequently, especially after therapy.
3. Chronic Fatigue
Since there are other conditions besides candida that can cause chronic fatigue, this one might be a little more difficult to diagnose. Chronic fatigue can also be brought on by an imbalance in the immune system or digestive system, both of which are signs of candida overgrowth.You may have candida if you have chronic lethargy or exhaustion even when you get enough sleep each night.
4. Chronic Sinus Infections and Other Allergy Symptoms
It may also be more difficult to identify if you already experience frequent allergies and sinus issues. To find out if you have more symptoms, thoroughly review the previous symptoms. This will assist you in determining whether or not candida is the underlying issue.
5. Strong Cravings for Sugar
You will probably have nutritional shortages if your digestive and immunological systems are weak since the body won't be able to process and absorb nutrients from food as it should.These dysregulations may result in intense sugar cravings. This aggravates the issue further because sugar promotes the growth of candida and aggravates it.
6. Difficulty Concentrating or Focusing (Brain Fog)
Candida can lead to a variety of mental health issues, most of which are categorized as "brain fog." Mood fluctuations, memory loss, poor coordination, difficulty concentrating, and lack of focus are among the usual symptoms.Make careful to try to identify one or more of the other symptoms on the list as well, as these can also be the result of extreme stress.
7. Hormone Imbalance
In fact, Candida has the ability to synthesize a
material that mimics estrogen. Reduced sex desire, early
menopause, PMS, migraines, bloating, and weight gain can
all be symptoms of a hormonal
These are also typical symptoms experienced by women
throughout their periods, so pay attention to your body
and notice whether there are any symptoms that seem more
severe than they usually are during your monthly cycle.
8. Weak Immune System
Many of the other symptoms on this list can also be caused by a compromised immune system. It could be an indication of candidiasis if you frequently feel weak, ill, and exhausted.
9. Digestive Problems
An overabundance of candida eradicates the beneficial microorganisms residing within the digestive tract. When the beneficial bacteria are unable to process food in an efficient and effective manner, infections, ulcers, and other issues may arise.Other digestive problems such constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, cramping, and other stomach problems may result from this.
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10. Urinary Tract Infection
Even though this symptom is far less common, it is nonetheless important to discuss. Women who have Candida may get vaginal infections and other problems, including UTIs.If these kinds of issues continue to bother you, you might have candidiasis.
So how about some good news!?
How do I get rid of Candida overgrowth?
There is a remedy available! Actually, there are a few.By taking the appropriate actions, you may treat the overgrowth of candida in your body and rid yourself of these terrible symptoms.
1. Avoid sugar.
Sugar feeds candida growth and should be avoided at all costs. This includes the sugar in fruits.
Nix the processed foods, carbohydrates, and sugars, and opt for some green vegetables instead!
We have a whole article on the foods that kill candida. These foods include non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, leafy greens, and others.
2. Get the healthy bacteria into your gut again.
As stated above, candida kills off the healthy bacteria living in your gut that helps you process and absorb nutrients. As candida is killed off, it’s important to bring back the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut.
This can be done by taking a good probiotic, eating Greek yogurt, and by supplementing with apple cider vinegar in the diet.
Taking a good probiotic is the first place to start!
No matter what supplement you use, you want to take AT LEAST 50 billion units of probiotics daily from a minimum of 10 different sources for best results.
While you don’t need to purchase only refrigerated probiotics, make sure the packaging is well sealed. It’s also essential that the packaging is dark (or opaque, not transparent) to protect from light damage.
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Probiotics are one of the best solutions for healing your gut, helping you lose weight faster, and providing you with a healthy source of gut flora every day!
3. Improve the health of gut with natural remedies and supplements.
You can achieve this by include additional natural oils and spices in your diet as supplements. Spices that reduce inflammation, including cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric, are simple to incorporate into meals and drinks.The addition of organic, unrefined coconut oil to the diet is also recommended, as the oil's caprylic acid immediately combats candida and returns the acidity of the stomach to normal.
Aim to stay away from processed meals of any kind and common sources of allergies, like wheat and dairy. These foods include unhealthy elements that may exacerbate candidiasis. Alcohol and sugar should also be completely avoided.
What does Candida in stool look like?
Stool-dwelling Candida can resemble a stringy, whitish material akin to cottage cheese. On top of the stool, it can also show up as white plaques or patches.It's crucial to visit a physician or naturopathic specialist if you suspect you have candida so they can determine whether you genuinely have an overgrowth. They can also assist you in formulating a course of action to permanently eradicate candida!
Overgrowth of Candida is a dangerous issue that must be taken seriously. It's critical to act and permanently eradicate candida if you are exhibiting any of the symptoms mentioned above!
How can I test for Candida at home?
You can check for candida at home in a few different methods. Using a candida test kit, which you can get online or at your neighborhood health food store, is the most popular method.A candida cleanse is another method to check for candida by observing whether your symptoms go better. If they do, you probably have an overabundance of candida.
Lastly, you might request a candida test from your physician. To verify if you have an overgrowth, they might do a quick stool or blood test.
What happens if Candida is left untreated?
Untreated candidiasis can lead to a multitude of issues. First, it may result in leaky gut syndrome, a condition in which intestinal lining damage permits germs and poisons to enter the bloodstream.Numerous other issues, including food allergies, inflammation, and even autoimmune illnesses, can be brought on by leaky gut syndrome.
Secondly, weariness, cognitive fog, and an overall feeling of being poorly can also be caused by candida. This is due to the fact that candida can induce these symptoms by releasing toxins into the bloodstream.
Lastly, untreated candida can result in more severe issues like thrush, skin rashes, joint discomfort, and urinary tract infections. Thrush is a type of oral yeast infection that can lead to white patches on the tongue and throat.
How long does it take for Candida overgrowth to go away?
Each person's experience with candida overgrowth will differ in how long it takes to resolve. It might just take a few weeks for some people, while it might take several months for others. Everything is dependent on how severe the overgrowth is and how closely you follow your treatment regimen.
Can Candida affect your liver?
Yes, liver damage can result from candida overgrowth. Toxins that can harm the liver are released into the circulation when candida overgrowth takes place.
Does apple cider vinegar help with Candida overgrowth?
Apple cider vinegar is effective in treating candida overgrowth. The acids in the vinegar aid in the elimination of candida and the return of normal stomach acidity. You can add apple cider vinegar to food and beverages or take it as a supplement.Do you still have inquiries regarding Candida? Please inquire in the comments section below!
How long it takes?? I`ve been 2 months with the sugar and carbo free diet, but I dont know how long it takes to kill the candida? I have a lot of digestive problemns (Flatulence)
I had no idea that having fungal infections and chronic fatigue could be caused by an imbalance from the candida disease. My wife has recently been very sick and friend of ours said that it could possibly be symptoms of candida. I’ll have to pay attention to her symptoms and see if they get any worse, and if they do I might have to look for professional help.