5-Minute Power Yoga Workout For Toned Arms

Ready to tone up your arms?

Your arm strength will increase and your tone will improve with this fantastic power yoga workout!

The purpose of this power yoga practice is to help you strengthen your arms. Although it's not very long, for best results, I recommend doing at least two or three cycles.

For whom is the exercise intended?

total novices
Individuals who want to increase their arm definition and strength
Those seeking a weight-free at-home exercise program

Here's an introduction to the arm-toned positions, complete with how-to guides and advice.

If you’re a complete beginner to yoga, make sure to check out our yoga tips for beginners.

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1. Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Plank Pose - Phalakasana is a great yoga pose to tone the arms

Firmly grip the mat, round the shoulders and upper back, and keep your butt in line with the rest of your body.

Don’t let your body sag at all. Stay firm and tight, and the abs will do all the work for you!

Hold for 30 seconds. Work up to holding it for 2 minutes.

2. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana to tone arms
Lay your hands palm down on your mat and raise your butt straight up until your legs are straight and your knees are off the floor.

Maintaining a slightly arched back and a prominent butt so that your lower back is absolutely straight and not at all arched is the secret to this stance.

To lengthen your shoulders and hamstrings, hold this stance for thirty seconds.

3. Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Four-Limbed Staff Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana to build arm muscles

This is a version using planks. Yogi pushups are also called chaturangas. Lower your complete body from the plank position until your torso is parallel to your upper arms and triceps. Make sure your belly isn't drooping and that your butt is up slightly above your torso.

Try maintaining this posture for ten seconds at first. Increase the time by 30 to 1 minute.

4. Upward (Reverse) Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)

Upward (Reverse) Plank Pose - Purvottanasana to strengthen arms and core
Start by sitting with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your legs extended in front of you.

Elevate your body until your pelvis is perfectly aligned with the rest of your body by using your glutes and core.

For thirty seconds, maintain this posture.

5. Crow Pose (Bakasana)

Crow Pose - Bakasana is the best yoga pose to tone your arms
Start by placing your hands in front of you and squatting on your heels.

As you raise yourself up onto your toes, try to bring your knees as close to your armpits as you can. Move your weight forward gradually until your arms are supporting your weight and your feet are off the ground.

Try putting your knees outside of your elbows or even closer to them if you're a newbie.

Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds, but as long as you can.

Keep in mind that you will hold each pose for 30 seconds before moving on to the next throughout this power yoga practice. Take a minute to recover after completing all five poses.

After that, carry out the exercise once again for 30 more seconds in each pose.

If you think you need it or it feels nice on your body, feel free to hold any of the stretches for longer than 30 seconds.

If you are looking for more beginner poses to transform your body with yoga, our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners is a great place to start!

It comes with everything you need to get started, including a complete 6-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s guide to meditation!

Avocadu Yoga Fat Loss Bible

It’s a great solution around for those looking to lose weight, get more flexible, and relieve aches and pains with a calm yoga practice.

It will show you exactly how to melt away stubborn body fat with a regular yoga practice and has the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn.

You can check it out clicking here.

Always remember that the most difficult part of doing yoga SHOWING UP.  Make sure to show up today and give your best to this workout. You deserve it!

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