The Eight Asana Pose Abs and a Strong Core

If you are just getting into the practice, you likely have already realized how much core strength is required for yoga.

I know that I didn’t realize how much core strength was required in yoga until I started my practice. I sure learned that fast though…

You need strength in your arms and your legs as well, but the core is the powerhouse that controls your balance and ease in and out of different poses.

These yoga poses all work a variety of muscles, but the key is to focus on the core.

Always keep the core engaged by tightening the abs.

Remember to use your core as the source of strength for these poses, rather than leaning into your arms, shoulders, back, or legs too much.

Yoga can be a great workout, but you also have to WORK for it.

My recommendation is to do these exercises on their own or also just hold them for an extra 30-60 seconds before moving on to the next pose.

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1. Side Plank Pose

Side Plank Posture

Begin this pose by first coming into the plank position.  Press your feet together, and roll onto your right side while balancing your weight on the outside of your right foot.

Keep your legs straight, and use your core to stay balanced. Slowly raise your left hand up to the ceiling.

Hold for 30 seconds then repeat on the left side.

2. Upward (Reverse) Plank Pose

Upward (Reverse) Plank
Start by lying flat on your back with your hands a few inches above your hips and your arms slightly bent.

Raise yourself off the ground with your hands and feet until your arms are perpendicular to the floor and your back is parallel to it.

For 30 seconds, hold. Do this twice more.

3. Extended Side Angle Pose

Extended Side Angle Pose for Abs

Usually, this stance is used to transition from warrior III and mountain pose. In any case, lower yourself to a low lunge and position your right arm inside your right leg. Ensure that it is completely extended and that your left leg stays level with the ground. If you are unable to reach the floor comfortably, use a yoga block as assistance.

4. Cobra Pose

Cobra Posture
Starting with your arms slightly bent just above your hips, lie face down on the yoga mat.

Using your CORE, not your arms, slowly raise yourself as high as you can. During this pose, try to use your arms as little as possible; instead, keep them soft and light beside you.

Hold for as long as you can, then do it twice.

5. Plank Pose

Plank yoga pose for abs
Your arms should be directly below your shoulders and shoulder-width apart. While in this position, concentrate on contracting your core muscles and ensure that your butt remains in line with your torso, neither rising nor falling below it.

For 30 seconds, hold. Strive to maintain this posture for a maximum of two minutes.

6. Boat Pose

Boat yoga pose for a strong core
With your hands slightly behind your hips and your legs extended in front of you, take a solid seat on the mat to start. Using your arms to maintain balance, slowly elevate your legs to a 45-degree angle. Raise your arms slowly to the outside of your knees once you feel sufficiently stable and balanced.

If you are not yet flexible enough to fully extend your knees, bend them slightly.

For 30 seconds, hold. Strive to stay in this posture for the entire minute.

7. One-Legged Downward Facing Dog

One-Legged Downward Facing Dog
Start in downward dog position and extend your left leg as far as it will go. Apply pressure to the ground and raise yourself via your hips.

Keep your equilibrium by using your core. Instead of standing on your toes, try to maintain the foot that is on the ground flat.

For 30 seconds, hold. Continue on the opposite side.

8. Crow Pose

Crow Posture
If you are unable to maintain this stance, don't worry, it's an advanced one. Practice is the key. Although this posture does demand arm strength, most novices are unaware of how much core strength is also needed for this pose.

Start with a seated squat with your arms resting on the insides of your legs, known as garland pose.

With your knees on the outside of your elbows (beginners) or up close to your armpits (advanced), place your arms firmly on the mat in front of you. Lean forward slowly while maintaining an arm-balance.
Keep in mind that you will hold each pose for 30 seconds before switching to the next one during this workout.

After completing all five yoga poses, switch up the sides of your body and continue the exercise twice more.

Feel free to stay in any of the stretches for longer than 30 seconds if it feels good on your body or you think you need it.

If you liked these poses for abs and a strong core and are DONE with feeling self-conscious about your body, you need to check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners!

Avocadu Yoga Fat Loss Bible

It comes with everything you need to get started, including a complete 6-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s guide to meditation!

It’s a great solution for those looking to lose weight, get more flexible, and relieve aches and pains with a calm yoga practice.

It will show you exactly how to melt away stubborn body fat with a regular yoga practice and has the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn.
You can check it out by clicking here.

And always remember, the hardest part about yoga is getting yourself on the mat!

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  1. Great post, I do many of these already but this is inspiring nonetheless. You have excellent form and the photos are fantastic as well.
    I’m itching to know, where did you get those pants!? I love them 🙂

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