Top 5 Plant-Based Protein Powders for Women

Protein powders tend to have a negative stigma attached to them where women are concerned.

The thought is that you only need them if you’re hitting the gym hard every day or that they’ll make you look “bulky.”

So. Not. True.

Protein powders are actually a fantastic way to get in some extra protein.

I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 plant-based protein powders for women because it’s usually the non-meat eaters that need this supplement most in their lives.

They’re also fantastic in soaked oats with chia seeds for breakfast and smoothies!

The things to consider when selecting a good protein powder: TASTE, obviously!

But ingredients are also really important.

Plant-based proteins can be made from all sorts of ingredients, including brown rice, peas, hemp, chia seeds, and a few others.

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1. Vega Protein & Greens

Vega Protein & Greens

This protein comes in at #1 because of its low sugar and carb content as well as the 2 servings of greens that it contains.

It’s just slightly more expensive than its competitors, but it’s definitely worth it when you consider the greens content.  This is a great supplement if you don’t get enough greens in your diet or if you have other dietary issues with greens.

Protein source: 13 different raw, organic sprouts
Also contains: 2 servings of greens, including kale, spinach, broccoli and alfalfa
Flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Berry
Per Serving: 20g protein; 2g sugar; 6g carbs
Serving Size: 26

See it on Amazon.

2. Garden of Life RAW Organic Protein

Garden of Life RAW Organic Protein

.This protein is low in sugar and relatively low in carbs, but it also has live probiotics in the formula. This is great if you don’t currently take a probiotic supplement.

Protein source: 13 different raw, organic sprouts
Also contains: Fat-soluble vitamins, protein-digesting enzymes, and live probiotics
Flavors: Unflavored, Chocolate, Vanilla, Vanilla Spiced Chai
Per Serving: 17g protein; <1g sugar; 7g carbs
Serving Size: 28

See it on Amazon.

3. Ora USDA Organic Protein Powder

Ora USDA Organic Protein Powder

What’s so great about this protein powder is that it’s made with a very wide variety of whole foods and superfoods, so it gives you a wider range of vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, because of this, it also comes with a higher price tag.  It also only comes in one flavor, so if you’re looking for chocolate, you’re out of luck.

Protein source: A large variety including hemp, chia seeds, pea, flax, quinoa, spirulina, and much more
Also contains: Fat-soluble vitamins, protein-digesting enzymes, and live probiotics
Flavors: Vanilla Chai
Per Serving: 19g protein; 1g sugar; 6g carbs
Serving Size: 20

See it on Amazon.

4. Orgain Organic Protein

Orgain Organic Protein Powder

While this organic protein powder is one of the best-tasting, it’s also double the carbs of its competitors, and it doesn’t have any added ingredients that make it unique. If you’re going for taste alone, this one is probably your best bet.

Protein source: Brown rice, chia, hemp, and pea
Also contains: No added ingredients in this formula that give it any edge over its competitors
Flavors: Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Fudge
Per Serving: 21g protein; 5g sugar; 15g carbs
Serving Size: 20

See it on Amazon.

5. PlantFusion Protein

PlantFusion Protein Powder

This protein powder has a very reasonable price, but many consumers have complained about the flavors being “chalky.” It does have a variety of protein sources, which is awesome.  It has no additional ingredients that make it stand out though.

Protein source: Peas, artichokes, sprouted amaranth and sprouted quinoa
Also contains: No added ingredients in this formula that give it any edge over its competitors
Flavors: Chocolate Raspberry, Cookies N’Cream, Chocolate, Unflavored, Vanilla
Per Serving: 21g protein; 4g sugar; 4g carbs
Serving Size: 30

See it on Amazon.

Selecting a protein powder usually involves finding some kind of balance between flavor and nutrients.

The brands that have the absolute best and highest quality ingredients (providing maximum nutrient benefit) often have to sacrifice taste for that.

I hope that this list helps you decide, but I also encourage you to try different kinds.

Try a few, and decide which one is right for you.

Try the protein by itself in water or unsweetened non-dairy milk and also try it in smoothies. Sometimes it’s best to get the best and healthiest brand if you can mask part of the flavor in smoothies with other flavorful fruits.

Protein powder if our highest recommended product for weight loss and maintaining a healthy diet.  

If you are looking for more ways to develop better long-term eating habits using healthy foods and supplements like protein powder, our 40-Day Fat Loss Challenge is a good place to start!

People lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 40 days and absolutely love it!  But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.

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We have over 1,000 people in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!

If you are ready to make some changes in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start.  We will teach you exactly how to make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”

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Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article top plant-based protein powders for women or have any questions!


  1. What do u think of body logix protein pd or those that come with whey ? So confused with so many choices !!

    1. Hena, we have not tried Body Logix protein powder, so I really can’t speak for that one. I looked it up on Amazon though, and it looks great! Whey protein is good, but try not to consume too much (i.e. more than 1-2 scoops per day). Some people can have issues with their kidneys when trying to process it. Our personal favorite that is not plant-based is Dymatize Iso 100 from Amazon, because it’s low in sugar and tastes awesome! You can check it out here if you’re interested:

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