Easy Yoga Exercise to Tone Your Abs

There is such a thing as a "yoga booty," and this basic yoga routine for toning your bottom can help you attain this seemingly magical goal!

While a fantastic yoga session will undoubtedly help you discover your Zen, the discipline isn't only about breathing and  meditating.

In fact, if you do the poses in the right combination you can burn serious calories, and tone and sculpt your muscles.

The health benefits of yoga are plentiful too.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says that studies find that people who practice yoga regularly have an improved quality of life.

Other benefits include decreased stress, a lower resting heart rate and blood pressure, less anxiety, improved low-back discomfort and function, relief from depression and insomnia, and better general fitness, strength, and flexibility.

And let’s not forget the phenomenon of the yoga booty.

What was previously a term found only in Urban Dictionary has become commonplace to describe a tight, high, sculpted rear end that looks great in yoga pants.

Here we’ve put together a series of poses that are perfect for beginners that will help you build your yoga booty by focusing on movements that activate your glutes and core to build an amazing physique.

All you need is a yoga mat, a quiet space, and a comfy outfit and you’re ready to get started.

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1. Standing Forward Bend

Begin with your feet hip distance apart and take a deep breath before raising your hands aloft.

As you exhale, raise your kneecaps, stretch your spine, and fold forward. Keep your knees straight and your head level as you reach for the floor.

This technique will work your glutes and lower back while providing a good stretch on the way down.

Hold at the bottom, then inhale and reverse the position, returning to standing.

2. Chair Pose

Begin with your feet hip-distance apart, hands relaxed by your sides, and spine in neutral posture.

Inhale and raise your arms over your head, palms facing each other, then exhale while sitting your glutes back, as if in a chair. Strive to bring your thighs as near to parallel to the floor as possible.

Yoga experts at Yoga Outlet recommend that you keep around 80 percent of your weight in your heels during this pose so that you’re able to wiggle your toes while holding it.

Breathe deeply and focus on dropping your hips while pressing your shoulder blades down and extending through your fingertips.  Hold this pose for five to ten breaths, or up to one minute.

3. Downward Facing Dog

Starting on your hands and knees, place your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips to prepare for this pose. Make sure to evenly apply pressure to each knuckle by spreading your fingers wide.

Take a breath, tuck your toes, and then release the air as you raise your hips and extend your legs toward the ceiling. Imagine arranging your limbs into an inverted "V," with a straight line connecting your wrists and tailbone, as well as your heels.

Focus on your belly button while keeping your head and neck in a neutral, relaxed position. To keep your shoulders away from your ears, try pressing your heels into the mat and extending your shoulder blades down your spine.

Breathe deeply for three to five breaths, then release and repeat the movement.

4. Warrior 1

Warrior 1, 2, and 3 are all excellent options for showcasing your booty. Though all three poses are easily transitioned into, Warrior 1 is particularly beginner-friendly.

Yoga Journal also recommends this pose as a great therapeutic option for anyone with sciatica pain.

Start the posture with your arms relaxed at your sides, your spine in a neutral position, and your feet hip-distance apart. After taking a breath, raise your arms so they are parallel to the floor and step your feet so they are between 3.5 and 4 feet apart.

Next, face outward, turn your right foot to a 90-degree angle and your left foot to a 45-degree angle. Verify that your heels are positioned straight ahead of you.

Next, release the breath, rotate your torso to face your front foot, and secure both heels on the mat. Bend your front knee deeply and try to bring your thigh parallel to the floor once you feel grounded.

5. Reverse Plank

Reverse plank or upward plank pose is an effective way to target your glutes and core.

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you to perform the exercise. Spread your fingers wide and place your palms on your mat directly behind your hips, with your fingertips pointing toward your body.

Breathe in, and as you release, tense your back and press through your heels and hands to raise your hips off the ground. Imagine that your shoulders and heels form a straight line.

Maintain a neutral head and neck posture while concentrating on the ceiling. To stabilize your lower back and engage your abdominals, drop your shoulders away from your ears and pull your belly button in towards your spine.

Next up in our beginner yoga workout to tone your booty is a GREAT one for the glutes!

6. Bridge

Finish off your booty building workout with bridge pose.  Not only will it tone your tush, but experts at Yoga Basics believe it will stimulate your endocrine and nervous system too.

Start by lying flat on your back on your mat to begin the pose. Keep your heels hip-distance apart as you flex your knees and bring them near your glutes.

With your palms pressing into the mat, lower your arms so they are positioned beside your body. Make an effort to get your heels as close to your fingertips as possible.

Breathe in, then push your hips up toward the ceiling while maintaining a straight line through your body by pressing through your shoulders and toes.

Tighten your glutes even more and raise your hips toward the ceiling as high as you can comfortably. Take deep breaths, hold this pose for five or more breaths, and then slowly lower yourself back to your mat.

If you are looking for more beginner poses to transform your body with yoga, our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners is a great place to start!

It comes with everything you need to get started, including a complete 6-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s guide to meditation!

Avocadu Yoga Fat Loss Bible

It’s a great solution around for those looking to lose weight, get more flexible, and relieve aches and pains with a calm yoga practice.

It will show you exactly how to melt away stubborn body fat with a regular yoga practice and has the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn.

Click here to check out the Yoga Fat Loss Bible!

Always remember that the most difficult part of doing yoga SHOWING UP.  Make sure to show up today and give your best to this workout. You deserve it!

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