10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine for Beginners

Did you know that practicing yoga in the morning can help you become more flexible, reduce stress, and enhance brain function? And these are only a few of the advantages of yoga!

For practitioners of all ability levels, consistent yoga practice can change both your body and mind. To benefit from regular exercise and healthy living, one need not be an experienced yog and relaxation

The longer you commit to yoga, the more health benefits you’ll notice. Lowered blood pressure, improved lung capacity, and improved sexual function are a few notable items on the list of perks.

Together with reducing anxiety and enhancing balance, yoga may also relieve pain in certain muscle groups.

Try this 10-minute morning yoga routine to ease yourself into daily practice if you haven't yet embraced yoga and all of its advantages.

Starting the morning with a yoga workout can help you feel relaxed and ready for your day.

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1. Child’s Pose

child's pose for your morning yoga routine

Child's Pose is a great way to start your morning stretch because it doesn't need much movement, even if you've just rolled out of bed.

This resting position can help you loosen up your joints and muscles so that you may work up to more strenuous poses. For optimal effects, hold the posture for three to five minutes.

According to Do You Yoga, there are five main benefits of the Child’s Pose for active yogis. Part of the relaxing and calming effect is due to placing your head down on the mat.

The position's capacity to facilitate digestion is an additional benefit. Because of the way your stomach is positioned on your thighs in the scrunched-up position, pressure is applied in a manner that is almost massage-like.

Stretching your back in this position is a great way to start the day, especially if you'll be spending a lot of time at a desk. Similar to how the hips are affected by desk sitting, the stretch opens them up.

Finally, because it’s a resting position, Child’s Pose is an easy start for your workout, waking you up without making you wish you could crawl back into bed.

[Make sure you do child’s pose at the end of your workout as well or between any more difficult poses when your body needs a rest.]

2. Mountain Pose

mountain yoga pose for beginners

The Mountain Pose is a great way to start the day off with good posture that will help you feel refreshed and focused. If you have trouble keeping your posture straight, practicing this stance every day can be beneficial.

Strengthened abdominal muscles, better digestion, and enhanced balance as you learn to regulate your body are all more advantages of the Mountain Pose.

Try to hold this pose for around a minute, maintaining your breathing throughout. Because it is a yoga pose for beginners, this asana is accessible and modifiable to suit different levels of yogis.

Pay close attention to your technique for optimal benefits with the Mountain Pose, keeping your spine erect and evenly distributing your weight as Soulful Arogya recommends.

3. Downward Dog

Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose for morning yoga routine

The Downward Dog is a basic component of many yoga routines, and for a good reason.

As Self reports, Downward Dog possesses health benefits such as the ability to build bone density, revitalize athletes, eliminate stiffness, and improve circulation.

If you work a desk or office job and struggle with fatigue, soreness, or a lack of flexibility, Downward Dog is one tool for breaking out of chair-induced discomfort.

There are also modifications to the pose, making it ideal for beginners through experts.

The key to an effective Downward Dog stretch is focusing on correct form. Avoiding injury by keeping your core engaged keeps you from collapsing.

The video below illustrates proper form for both beginners and intermediate yogis. Anyone who has tried the pose knows that it’s deceptively simple by appearance, but not so in practice (as many yoga asanas are).

4. Standing Forward Bend

forward fold yoga pose for beginners
You have undoubtedly performed a simple Standing Forward Bend in the past if you have back pain or simply feel like you need a good stretch first thing in the morning. Maintaining back protection is essential in this position.

You can bend deeply and widely if your feet are parallel and shoulder-width apart. This helps to lengthen your back while also releasing tension in your hamstrings.

This is a helpful exercise for any body type, but particularly for athletes who deal with sore or tight hamstrings. It also aids in digestion, plus relieving stress and calming your brain, according to Active.

Since the stance helps you connect with your body and balance yourself, it also helps reduce minor depression and anxiety.

Place your belly and chest on your thighs while bending your knees slightly. While in position, hold your elbows and keep your eyes open to maintain your balance.

You can also sway from side to side and bend and straighten your knees to encourage hamstrings to loosen up. 

Start by holding the stance for as long as you can tolerate, perhaps one minute. Work your way up to holding it for ten minutes or more. As you deepen the stretch, relax and pay attention to your breathing.

5. Warrior

Warrior I Beginner Yoga Pose for a morning yoga workout

The basic Warrior pose is beginner-friendly, but the later stages of the asana are increasingly difficult.

You can then try related postures later, depending on how skilled you are. Try to stay in any Warrior pose for about 60 seconds.

There are other variations of the warrior position, including Warrior II and III, Reverse Warrior, Retreating Warrior, and Humble Warrior Ekhart Yoga explains each variation and gives instructions on the specifics.

Noting that the pose is complex with multiple alignment cues, Elkhart Yoga discusses the nature of the pose to help us overcome ego and develop strength.

Additionally, they advise elevating your abdomen rather than tucking your tailbone down and being aware of your pelvic tilt. Additional warrior roles require a greater degree of power and flexibility.

Warrior II helps teach you about your body’s alignment, focusing on the relationship between knee and ankle. Find your comfort zone in this position to ensure the safety of your knee and ankle joints.

Warrior III is another exercise that can help you prepare for handstands because it requires you to maintain a higher degree of balance while using your core.

Stretch your arms and legs and use the Reverse Warrior to practice deep breathing to alleviate tension in the muscles around your ribs.

The Humble Warrior has you stretching your neck and shoulders, while the Retreating Warrior uses a deep side lunge for flexibility and core strength.

If you are looking for a routine to do in your own home, make sure to take a look at our Yoga Fat Loss Bible.

Avocadu Yoga Fat Loss Bible

It comes with everything you need to get started, including a 50-fat burning yoga poses with photos and instructions, 6-week workout plan, meditation guide, flexibility guide, and more!

Get started losing weight with yoga today!

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