Zero Calorie Foods List – 23 Foods for Weight Loss

Relax, there's more to this essay than just eating straight celery.

which has never really caught my attention.

No, the items on this list of "zero calorie foods" don't truly have 0 calories.

However, they become so during a procedure known as thermogenesis, essentially how the body heats itself up, comes into play.

The idea behind zero-calorie foods is that heating and digestion will cause the body to expend more calories than the food's actual caloric content.

Therefore, it's not true that certain foods are calorie-free.

Celery doesn't even seem to have zero calories in my opinion.

However, the low calorie content of these meals means that while you eat them, your body burns more calories than they do.

Cool, right?

So make sure you add more of these foods to your diet any chance you get!

They will keep you away from calories and still fill you up.

The zero-calorie foods for weight loss were selected based on two criteria:

  • The first was that they must be full of nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants for your health.
  • The second is that they must be under 100 calories per 1 cup serving.

Here are the foods…

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1. Apples

Zero Calorie Foods List Apples

With their abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even pectin (which has been shown to lessen appetite), apples are among the healthiest fruits on the planet.

Between lunch and supper, an apple can make a fantastic snack because it will keep you full and give you a little energy boost.

It's also a wonderful pre-meal snack to avoid grabbing for the larger breakfast sandwich when you're too full to make a better decision.

Calories per cup – 57 k/cal 

2. Broccoli

Zero Calorie Foods List broccoli
Broccoli is a superfood that can increase vitamin D, C, and K levels, lessen cancer risk, provide healthy fiber, and even have a tiny bit of protein.

Over 75% of people are lacking in vitamin D, hence many people supplement their diets. Our favorite brand is Key Nutients, which produces the highest quality organic non-GMO vitamin D supplement on the market today.

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Broccoli also provides the unique benefits of lowering inflammation, helping with stress, and detoxifying the body.  Broccoli is best cooked steamed, blanched, or roasted and can be paired with a variety of foods!

My personal favorite way to eat broccoli is roasted with some olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon.

Calories per cup – 30 k/cal
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3. Asparagus

Zero Calorie Foods List asparagus
Next on the list of foods with no calories is asparagus, which has high levels of vitamin K, folate, copper, fiber, and vitamin B1.

Asparagus is actually edible raw. Although I've often eaten it raw in salads, my particular favorites are roasted or very lightly steamed.

Remember that the more you cook fruits and vegetables, the fewer nutrients they will retain when eaten. Try to eat vegetables raw or very lightly cooked or steamed whenever possible.

Calories per cup – 27 k/cal
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4. Watermelon

Zero Calorie Foods List watermelon
Watermelon is the ideal snack for summertime. You can indulge in this tasty low-calorie dessert without feeling too guilty.

You shouldn't overindulge and consume a whole watermelon by yourself because it does contain natural sugar, but it also has a ton of antioxidants!

If you're desiring something sweet after supper or as a snack in the afternoon, try increasing your intake of watermelon. During the summer, I like to chop it up and freeze it, trying to fool myself into thinking it's candy.

Calories per cup – 47 k/cal
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5. Cucumber

Zero Calorie Foods List cucumber

Cucumbers are a delicious nutrient powerhouse!

They contain polyphenols that reduce the rates of cancer and can help manage stress levels because they contain multiple B vitamins (B1, B5, B7, Biotin).

Because cucumbers primarily consist of water and fiber, they also provide support to the body’s digestive health.

My favorite ways to consume cucumbers:

Calories per cup – 16 k/cal

6. Oranges

Zero Calorie Foods List oranges
Vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium are all abundant in oranges.

If you're at work or just need a fast snack to satisfy your needs, this is a terrific alternative. Because they provide extra potassium to the diet, they have also been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Don't go overboard though, as they also have a fair quantity of natural sugars, much like watermelon. Restrict yourself to just one per day if you start to crave sweets.

Calories per cup – 85 k/cal 

7. Celery

Zero Calorie Foods List celery
Celery has been promoted for a long time as a low-calorie food. Really, it's the embodiment of a zero-calorie food.

It can be filling because it is a good source of water and vitamin K. But this meal has a very clear flaw: it tastes almost completely bland. This snack's calorie content increases when people add milk or peanut butter fillings.

To maximize the benefits, eat celery with your meal in soups or in your green smoothies. Or try some hummus instead of peanut butter!

Calories per cup – 16 k/cal

8. Lemons

Zero Calorie Foods List lemons

Well, you’re not likely to munch on a lemon anytime soon, but lemon juice specifically packs a powerful punch.

Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and do wonders for your liver and digestive system. They’re also very high in antioxidants.

One of the absolute BEST ways to consume lemons is in some warm lemon water in the morning. It’s incredibly detoxifying to the system first thing in the morning before you’ve dumped coffee or food down your throat.

Just be careful—boiling or extremely hot water might destroy the natural enzymes—and allow the water to slightly cool before adding the lemon juice. To prevent the juice from eroding your tooth enamel, try half a lemon juice in a warm cup of water and sip with a straw.

Calories per cup – 61 k/cal

9. Sugar Snap Peas

Zero Calorie Foods List sugar snap peas

These little guys are high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B, and many other minerals the body needs.

Try these if you're preparing a nutritious stir-fry or want to try a new, healthful snack! Cook them on the stovetop or in the oven, and season with a little salt!

I love using sugar snap peas in salads the most!

Calories per cup – 41 k/cal
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10. Tomatoes

Zero Calorie Foods List tomatoes

Tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants, but they are best known for their high concentration of lycopene. Lycopene has been repeatedly shown to fight cancer and ward off heart disease.

If you don’t love tomatoes, try shopping them up very finely and adding them to pico. You can also cook them, but it does kill off some of the natural nutrients in the raw fruit.

Calories per cup – 32 k/cal

11. Kale

Zero Calorie Foods List kale
We all love to dislike kale. Eat is the best way to put it, period. Extra. Kale.

It is regarded as one of the foods with the highest nutritional density on the planet and has been demonstrated to decrease cholesterol. It also has significant concentrations of antioxidants, vitamins C, K, and A.

The best ways to consume more kale are through green smoothies, adding them to salads, or by making kale chips!

Calories per cup – 33 k/cal

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12. Grapefruit

Zero Calorie Foods List grapefruit

Grapefruits are often associated with dieting and have long been promoted as an incredibly healthy breakfast item. They are loaded with vitamins and are low in calories, but they really shine from their large amount of anti-aging antioxidants.

Just be careful not to have breakfast like my dad and every other person I know who has ever eaten grapefruit—a half of a grapefruit with a mound of table sugar on top.

They taste quite bitter and sour, so consider putting them to a smoothie to mask the flavor rather than adding sugar!

Calories per cup – 97 k/cal 

13. Onions

Zero Calorie Foods List onions

Onions are a delicious and flavorful addition to any meal. They have been shown to have cardiovascular benefits, support bone tissue, lower inflammation, and lower your risk of certain cancers.

They can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in a variety of different ways to help with weight loss goals.

I personally love to eat red onions raw on my salads and white or yellow onions cooked in my omelets or soup.

Calories per cup – 46 k/cal

14. Carrots

Zero Calorie Foods List carrots

Carrots are known to protect eyesight, but they also have plenty of antioxidants and are a natural diuretic.

This helps with digestion and keeping the body’s natural inflammation in check.

Carrots are a very adaptable low-calorie vegetable that may be used as a stand-alone snack, added to salads, or cooked and eaten with your main dish!

Calories per cup – 53 k/cal

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15. Zucchini

Zero Calorie Foods List zucchini

This is a great side dish, but it can also make a killer gluten-free substitute for pasta.

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They provide a bountiful source of magnesium, fiber, and folate in your diet. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful phytonutrients that fight off many forms of cancer. 

Calories per cup – 21 k/cal

16. Cauliflower

Zero Calorie Foods List cauliflower
Cauliflower is another delicious side dish that resembles broccoli in both form and substance. Owing to its high reserves of vitamins K and C, it offers numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Either eaten raw or very barely steamed as a side dish before serving is the ideal way to prepare this vegetable. It's a terrific low-calorie alternative to traditional green vegetables, offering you a new range of nutrients and health advantages.

17. Cabbage

Zero Calorie Foods cabbage
Along with being high in fiber, cabbage is also low in fat and cholesterol. Together with several other minerals, it also contains vitamins C and K.

Raw, boiled, or fermented (as in sauerkraut) cabbage can be consumed in any form. Stir-fries, salads, stews, and soups can all benefit from using it.

Worldwide, more than 400 distinct cultivars of cabbage are cultivated, ranging in shape from round to conical and featuring flat, curly, tight, or loose foliage.

Plus, the range of hues of cabbage—green, white, red, and purple—can truly add vibrancy to any dish.

Calories per cup – 17 k/cal
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18. Teas & Coffee

Zero Calorie Foods tea and coffee
A common misconception is that tea and coffee have no calories. This is untrue. There are calories in both tea and coffee.

A typical cup of coffee contains two calories. Three calories are found in a cup of tea.

But consuming tea and coffee has numerous health advantages in addition to their wonderful flavor.

First of all, antioxidants included in both tea and coffee can aid in preventing cell damage and enhancing general health.

Tea and coffee have also been demonstrated to enhance mood and cognitive performance.

Calories per cup – 2-3 k/cal

19. Peppers

Zero Calorie Foods peppers
Peppers are a great source of vitamins A and C and low in calories. Additionally, they include flavonoids, which are antioxidants that may aid in preventing cell damage.

Moreover, they contain capsaicin, a substance with demonstrated anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Consuming peppers regularly can help to strengthen your defenses against illness, facilitate better digestion, and lessen inflammation throughout your entire body.

Furthermore, peppers are a fantastic way to spice dishes without adding unnecessary calories.

Calories per cup – 28 k/cal

Check out this Chipotle Okra and Peppers recipe from Healthy Ambitions!

20. Berries

Zero Calorie Foods berries
Most individuals are aware of the health advantages of berries. They can strengthen your cardiovascular system and are an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants.

However, berries also have a low calorie content. In actuality, there are just 50 calories in a cup of strawberries.

Berries are a great snack option for people attempting to lose weight because they are high in nutrients and can help you feel satiated for longer.

Calories per cup – 62 k/cal

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21. Mushrooms

Zero Calorie Foods mushrooms
Although many people consider mushrooms to be just a tasty garnish for food, these low-calorie mushrooms provide a number of health advantages.

Antioxidants and B vitamins, which are abundant in mushrooms, can support general health and increase energy levels.

They are an excellent source of fiber, which promotes healthy digestive function.

The best part is that mushrooms have substances that can strengthen immunity and fend against illness.

Calories per cup – 16 k/cal

22. Pickles

Zero Calorie Foods pickles
Cucumbers are pickled after being soaked in a brine solution (salt, vinegar, and water) flavored with spices. Cucumbers become pickles as they absorb the concoction.

Pickles are a good source of salt and vitamin K, among other nutrients. They have a negligible calorie content as well.

Calories per cup – 16 k/cal

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23. Mustard

Zero Calorie Foods mustard
A nutritious condiment with many uses is mustard.

It's an excellent option for anyone watching their weight because it's minimal in fat and calories. Mustard also has substances that can strengthen the immune system and facilitate better digestion.

In addition, mustard contains anti-inflammatory qualities that may help those with arthritis and other related ailments.

Lastly, vitamins C, iron, and calcium are among the vitamins and minerals that mustard is a good source of.

I’m not going to include calories for a full cup of mustard, because really, who would eat that much, lol

Zero Calorie Foods Questions

I could add a ton more low-calorie foods to this list, so I could go on forever.and maybe in the future I'll return to add to this list, but for now I wanted to address some often asked topics.

Is there any food with 0 calories?

While there isn't a dish that is completely calorie-free, you can consume diet beverages and water for nothing. Avoid diet soda and beverages with artificial low-carb sweeteners, though.

I recommend sticking to products like Zevia which are sweetened with stevia.

What are negative calorie foods?

Simply put, meals that need more energy to digest than they provide are known as negative calorie foods. This implies that consuming foods low in calories can really aid in weight loss!

Foods high in negative calories include grapefruit, cucumbers, and celery. Therefore, you might want to include some of these foods in your diet if you're trying to lose a few pounds.

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